Investment & Business Development

Investment & Business Development

Investment & Business Development

About Department

The department regulate the services corresponding to the needs of enterprises and investors, in addition to creating new varied opportunities that benefit investors and stakeholders

Units: Local Content Development, Business Development, Quality and Standards Management, Research and Evaluation Management, Investment Stimulus Management

Investment and Business Development Tasks

What We Do:

Developing and raising local content within the Saudi entertainment sector

Presenting services corresponding to the needs of enterprises and investors

Creating new varied opportunities that benefit investors and stakeholders

Setting new and improved quality and technical excellence standards

Collecting feedback from internal departments and relevant external entities

Analyzing results and updating quality excellence standards and technical requirements

Publishing quality reports monitoring the service levels provided by the private sector

Performing data collection, inventory, and governance activities related to the entertainment sector to publish periodical reports on the sector’s overall performance

Raising the private sector’s involvement in the entertainment sector through increasing the trust and awareness of investors
