Slingshot, the Ride That Challenges Adventure Lovers in Winter Wonderland

Slingshot, the Ride That Challenges Adventure Lovers in Winter Wonderland

Nov 26, 2022

The Slingshot ride in Winter Wonderland, one of the entertainment zones of Riyadh Season 2022, is an exciting entertainment experience for visitors, and only those with the most daring hearts can play it.
The ride, which is called In the Sky, starts at a high speed for about 3 minutes, during which the adventurer swings in the sky of the zone in an atmosphere that mixes fun and entertainment, taking into account the highest standards of safety.
The ride allows riders to record the fun moments by placing a high-resolution GoPro camera on its platform, which contains two seats side by side, to record the adventure from the beginning to the end. Adventurers can take the recorded clip at the end of the ride to share these moments full of fun and adventures with their families and friends, and on social networking sites.
The ride experience is available to those whose height is between 140 to 195 cm, and safety measures stress preventing pregnant women and those with chronic diseases from taking part in this adventure. Riders are not allowed to carry mobiles, bags and other things and should adhere to the instructions of the operating team.
Winter Wonderland continues to receive visitors who like adventures and rides with family and friends. There are more than 80 rides and experiences, including exciting rides and family and children’s rides. The zone also contains various musical performances. Tickets can be booked via the link:

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